When a new internet marketing business or program is first introduced, during it's pre-launch many of the "heavy hitters" from other programs and internet business professionals come aboard and create what could almost be called a feeding frenzy. Also, many opportunity seekers gang up on programs that are brand new in the hope of making money online. Big Ticket To Wealth is no exception. Being that I have been in the internet business for the last 10 years, I decided to review the product and give my view on whether I believe it is a viable tool for an online business, especially for someone who is new to internet marketing. In addition, many opportunity seekers pursue programs that are brand new in the hope of making money online.
Big Ticket To Wealth is no exception. Being a seasoned internet businessman, I decided to review the product and give my view on whether I believe it is a viable tool for an online business, especially for someone who is new to internet marketing. Every new business needs to have a great product in order to do well.
In my opinion, no matter how good the compensation plan is, if you do not have a great product, no one will buy it and you will not succeed. Entry into Big Ticket To Wealth automatically gives access to a large selection of internet software, instruction manuals for making money online and other business tools that help you master internet marketing and prospecting. One thing that is different about the offerings that Big Ticket To Wealth has is the flash videos designed for resale to various offline businesses. So far, I've not seen these anywhere else.
The search engine optimization and marketing tools (software programs) made available to each customer are all essential tools for making money online, especially for the the person who is new to the online business world. The Compensation Plan is I find rather innovative. In fact, I would say that if Big Ticket To Wealth turns out to be a huge success, that the compensation plan would be a major factor. It's not just because of the income potential available to the person who works it, but because of the relationship the compensation plan creates between recruit and sponsor! To me, there are few things more valuable than having someone available for mentoring.
Because of that I think the most important part of any online business plan is the relationship between sponsor and recruit. If you are instructed how to market properly online and use the resources made available to you then you can earn an amazing income from your own home and have more time to spend how you like. It's as simple as that. Simply put, because of The Big Ticket To Wealth's compensation plan, it seems that sponsors are as interested in seeing their recruits succeed as as they are in their own success! This is what I perceive to be the most innovative aspect of the Big Ticket To Wealth business plan. In my "mentor biased" opinion, Big Ticket To Wealth seems to permanently tie sponsors to their recruits.
In it's compensation plan, sponsors make the same commission on the sales of their recruits that they would have made by making the sale themselves. More importantly, that relationship is not just for the first sale or two, but forever. This gives the internet marketing newbie a very motivated mentor for as long as the need one. Spelled out, it means that sponsor (the guy or gal with all of the experience) is tied to you for their own financial benefit.
To conclude, after reviewing what Big Ticket To Wealth has to offer I think it has potential to be one of the better money making opportunities online.
Dan believes strongly in mentoring. Finding a motivated mentor is probably THE most important choice you will make in your quest to make money online. Believe the adds that say "Fully Automatic System" if you want, but if you don't believe it go to this site. Big Ticket To Wealth